And So it Begins/began

So begins my, and your, journey into Bee Talk. This will, for the most part, be a combination of two things; posts that provide information on beekeeping along with tips and fun facts, and my ramblings of what I’ve been up to with the Sweet Sadie Honey Farm. Plans are to update once per week, but realistically it may not be that often. Subscribe, and you will get notifications of new posts. So here goes:

And so it Begins/Began

Retirement often presents an opportunity to pursue long-awaited passions and explore new hobbies. For me, the transition from a college administrator to a beekeeping enthusiast has been nothing short of interesting, if not somewhat remarkable. In this blog post, I will take you on a journey that started with a simple analogy in a staff meeting and has now blossomed into a bustling honey farm business with dreams (or maybe it’s nightmares) of expanding further. So here goes!

The Beehive Analogy: During my time as a college administrator, I believed and taught that teamwork and collaboration were essential for success. In a staff meeting, I expressed my belief that we could all benefit from working more like a beehive. Little did I know that this seemingly passing remark would sow the seeds of my future passion.

A Birthday Surprise: To my surprise, my colleagues embraced my analogy wholeheartedly. On my birthday a few weeks later, they gifted me a collection of beekeeping books* and tools. This thoughtful gesture not only touched my heart but also set me on an unexpected path. Intrigued by the world of bees, I delved into the books, soaking up knowledge about these fascinating creatures. This was in October of 2013.

Volunteering with the Garden Club: After retiring in November of 2015, I sought avenues to channel my newfound interest. Volunteering with the local garden club offered the perfect opportunity to immerse myself in the world of bees. Working alongside experienced beekeepers, I learned the ins and outs of beekeeping, discovering the profound impact these creatures have on our ecosystem.

Growing a Personal Apiary: Driven by an ever-growing passion, I decided to keep a hive in my own backyard. One of the hives at the Garden Club swarmed, and I brought it home to our yard. We have a great space that is isolated from neighbors, close to a water source, and in the middle of massive amounts of wildflowers and home landscape plantings. What started as a single hive quickly multiplied. The hum of bees became a familiar soundtrack as my apiary grew to four hives. Witnessing the bees' tireless work and the bountiful rewards of honey production filled me with a sense of fulfillment.

Expanding Horizons: As my passion continued to thrive, I sought new challenges. In 2020, I embarked on a venture in to establish another bee yard on a demonstration farm nearby. Today, this farm is home to six more hives, each buzzing with life.

Limitations and Future Ambitions: As much as I would love to continue expanding my beekeeping operation, there are practical limitations. With my business card proudly proclaiming me as the “Founder, Owner, and Sole Employee”, I am committed to maintaining a manageable scale. However, this hasn't dampened my spirit. With each passing day, my love for beekeeping grows stronger, and I eagerly anticipate the next chapter. Are 30 hives in my future next year?!?!?

From a passing remark in a staff meeting to a thriving beekeeping venture, my retirement has been enriched by the wonder of bees. The journey from college administrator to beekeeping sideline business has taught me the value of embracing new passions and the profound impact they can have on our lives. As I gaze upon my expanding apiaries, I am reminded of the extraordinary power of nature and the importance of nurturing our environment for generations to come. Join me as I continue my beekeeping odyssey, one hive at a time.

*The two books that my staff gave me, and I also highly recommend as initial reading before even thinking about getting into the “Sticky, Slippery Slope” of beekeeping are:

”Beekeeping For Dummies”
Howland Blackiston
This is a very straight forward, no nonsense information guide. I learned a tremendous amount of the basics from this before I ever even saw the inside of a hive. Available on Amazon.

”Backyard Beekeeper”,
Kim Flottum
This is an excellent book that fills in all the blanks from Beekeeping For Dummies.

If you want to get into beekeeping, start at least a year in advance, and READ THESE BOOKS FIRST! It will give you the basic knowledge. It will also convince you if this
IS, or IS NOT something that is for you!